Gruess Gott is the Bavarian greeting. This Sunday, the Sunday before our Thanksgiving is the “Harvest Mass” at St. Johann Nepomuk Catholic Church in the village. We walked up the hill to church this morning for the 9 am Harvest mass. We got there about 8:50 but there was a procession from somewhere (likely the town square) the whole congregation seemed to be in it. It was complete with people in traditional full Bavarian dress, horns and squeezebox; the music could be heard all the way up the hill. Not being familiar with the mass it was something like blessing of the food on Holy Saturday. A fabulous choir. One funny thing that happened was that as we made our way up for communion we sort of got separated and Ruby ended up being the last person she ended up standing up with the priest at the front of this church by themselves with him bending down and whispering to her. Rob walked back up to the front to see what was up. They were having a communication problem but the priest was trying to ask Ruby if she had made her 1st communion. After mass the priest apologized to Ruby in English explaining to the congregation what had happened and was very sorry and said kind things of Ruby, he then repeated the whole thing again in German to the congregation again where everyone was smiling at Ruby. After mass there was a bake sale right outside the church where we bought some real Bavarian baking. Some sort of honey cake/torte and a berry role.
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